How digital marketing can help your business?
So, you are a business owner and have gotten tired of running unsuccessful marketing campaigns to bring in more revenue in the last time. Or you want to earn more profits and want to explore online avenues to expand and grow your brand. In either case, online marketing is the right and practical option for […]
Haven’t Done SEO on Your Website? Say Good-Bye to All Customers Searching for Your Business Online! Find Out Why is SEO Critical to Your Revenues and Success?
Neglecting digital strategy stops you from being successful. But having a mere website does not guarantee you leads and customers. People have to visit your website. Explore it, and decide to buy your products or services. But how can you bring people to your website if you are not visible to them? It’s simple! Be […]
Steps to Digital Marketing for Small Businesses Without Wasting Your Time, Effort, and Resources
1— Market Research Find out how much is the demand for your products and services. Who will buy from you? Why are people buying products or services in your niche? How many businesses are selling products and services like yours? You can use Google to find out everything in your niche. Also, you can use […]
Digital Marketing Mistakes That Can Fail You
Mistake 1 Doing Anything Without Clearly Defined Audiences (90% of companies using personas have been able to create a clearer understanding of their buyers) Mistake 2 Not Addressing Your Audience and Their Pain Points Directly (Companies that take extra care of customer experience drive revenue 4-8% higher than those who do not) Mistake 3 Superficial […]
Why 90% of Businesses Fail in Marketing Only Due Simple Blunders?
Yes, it is happening round the clock. And successful businesses know it! But they don’t utter out the secret in public. Why should they tell it to newbie business owners? They have found the secret after going through a harsh sale-less phase of their business journey. But here, you’ll know it. Next, you can straighten […]
9Xero: An Award-Winning Marketing Company
On Dec 15, 2021 JumpStart Pakistan organized a full-day open-for-all strategic event at Jacaranda, Bahria Town, Islamabad. The event was attended by national & international celebrities, industrialists, entrepreneurs and business gurus. The program was aimed to promote entrepreneurship and create a favorable ecosystem for companies to thrive. During the event, a special award ceremony for […]
A Guide to Digital Marketing for Small Business
So, you are a small business owner and thought you could get more customers by using the power of the internet, or you are trying to market your small business online. Smart! But you could not clear your mind on the right course of action that gives you results in the least time. Also, you […]
Do You Have Professional Website For Real Estate Business?
When you are marketing your business online, then every prospect wants and needs to know more detail about your business. Nothing serves better than a professional website. In fact, if you don’t have a professional website for your real estate business, then online prospects will never consider you for a real purchase. Also, your real […]
5 Online Marketing Strategies That You Can Use Right Now for Your Real Estate Business
If you have a real estate business and don’t have a marketing budget for it, then you can still get sales through the internet. But it will be a scalable process that takes time. You don’t have to invest your money. But you have to invest your time. Read the post all the way down! […]
Have You Created a Buyer Persona Before Starting Your Marketing?
If you do not know the identity of the buyer before you start marketing, then you may be shooting everywhere rather than a defined target. As a new business in the market, you need to know your customer before offering your products or services. Buyer Persona tells you: · Who is […]