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Haven’t Done SEO on Your Website? Say Good-Bye to All Customers Searching for Your Business Online! Find Out Why is SEO Critical to Your Revenues and Success?

Neglecting digital strategy stops you from being successful.

But having a mere website does not guarantee you leads and customers.

People have to visit your website.

Explore it, and decide to buy your products or services.

But how can you bring people to your website if you are not visible to them?

It’s simple!

Be present on the first page of search results.

Thousands of people search for businesses like yours every day in search engines.

And businesses appearing in search results get customers and more business.

95% of the internet users don’t go beyond the first page of search results.

Thus, businesses present on the first page of search results get all the business.

But how can you appear on the first page when hundreds of businesses like yours striving hard for it.

The practical and time-tested solution is to do SEO on your website.

SEO tells search engines that I am the right business for these search words.

SEO turns your website into a highly visible website in search engines

SEO tells search engines that your website provides the best solution to people searching for it. 

Why Your Business Should Rank on First Pages?

Here are all reasons to rank on the first page.

It Brings Organic Traffic to Your Website

Imagine you are on the first page.

1000 people search for businesses like yours in a month (That’s a pretty low figure for an example. The actual number may be way higher due to the demand for your services)

Among 1000 people, only 100 clicks on your website.

You have got 100 organic visitors in a month, not just people browsing for fun.

If only 5 persons decide to buy from you after exploring your website, you have 5 customers in a month.

And it all happened due to your presence on the first page.

It Builds Trust and Credibility

Your website comes to the first page when it is clean and provides an effective user experience.

Look at any website on the first page of search results.

Everyone will look highly professional and credible.

And people want to do business with them.

When you are on the first page, you become trustworthy and credible by default.

It’s because search engines don’t rank unprofessional and poor websites.

It Affects Buying Cycle

People don’t go to the second page of search results and buy from one of the businesses on the first page.

If you are on the first page, you’ll get customers.

No one will visit your website if you are on the second page.

So, do everything to come in the first page of search results.

It Gives You a Long-Term Strategy

You don’t want to build a website and leave it after one year.

You want your website to bring you revenue for many years.

If you are on the first page, you’ll have a continuous inflow of customers.

Your revenue will help you grow and expand.

Being on the first page helps you to:

• Survive

• Expand

• Grow

• Have a continuous stream of income

Do everything to appear on the first page of search results.

Follow 9XERO for more tips!

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