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Why 90% of Businesses Fail in Marketing Only Due Simple Blunders?

Yes, it is happening round the clock.

And successful businesses know it!

But they don’t utter out the secret in public.

Why should they tell it to newbie business owners?

They have found the secret after going through a harsh sale-less phase of their business journey.

But here, you’ll know it.

Next, you can straighten your direction and achieve your revenue goals in the least time.

So, the secret is simple.

It’s all about your customers.

Not about your company.

Not about how hard you are striving.

Not about how good your team is.

Not about how your product is the best in the market.

When your marketing revolves around your customers, you get sales rapidly.

Let us explain this secret in a simple story.

Meet an ordinary and simple guy doing a life hustle.

He sees too many ads daily.

On TV!

On Social Media!

On the Road!

During YouTube Streaming!

But he never buys anything.

He has one problem. 

He cannot get hazelnuts at a reasonable price to satisfy his taste buds.

In his city, there is no shop where he can buy hazelnuts.

But one day, he saw an ad on social media that tell him that he can have all the hazelnuts he want at a reasonable price with free shipping.

Our ordinary guy clicks on the ad.

Fill out the form.

Next, confirms the order.

What did you learn from this story?

Simple moral!

If you solve the problems of your customers, you get sales.

So, most businesses focus on themselves.

They don’t focus on their potential customers.

As a result, they fail in marketing their products and services.

Thus, the first thing you need to do is to know your customers.

Find out:

  • What are their problems?
  • What are their fears?
  • What are their hopes?
  • What are their challenges?
  • What do they secretly wish?
  • What makes them happy?
  • What makes them sad?

You can use online tools and databases to know everything about your customers.

After research, you’ll have in-depth insights that you can use to sell your products and services.

Remember, when you alleviate the pain through your products, you get sales.

Don’t ever advertise on the internet without doing your customer research.

Otherwise, you’ll have no sales or occasional sales.

Most businesses, in their starting phase, don’t have marketing expertise.

They don’t know how to create, build, and execute an online marketing campaign that brings them revenue to survive in the market.

If you have the same problem, don’t worry.

9XERO can help you.

You’ll get:

  • Complete market research
  • Complete competitor research
  • Complete marketing strategy
  • Complete marketing plan
  • Complete advertisement solutions

We’ll give you reports monthly about your growth and success.

So, you can know how your business is progressing in the online world.

Also, if you don’t have a website, we can build one for you.

Don’t spend your time waiting for customers!

The online world never sleeps.

Get your customers from there.

Let 9XERO help you become successful!

Contact for more details!

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