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Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2022 Until Now!

With the passage of every year, digital marketing becomes more complicated.

There are so many skills to master in order to provide a holistic digital marketing service.

Yes, digital marketers have to master SEO, PPC, branding, and UX to deliver a complete package.

But now, marketers have to know juggling between social channels, content automation, and personalization. 

Also, new things keep adding up with each day.

Here are some latest digital marketing trends that you should know.


Metaverse does not only refer to Facebook.

But it is a whole new world.

Where you find:

  • Augmented reality
  • Virtual reality
  • 3D holographic avatars
  • Videos

Metaverse does not only provide a gaming experience.

But it delivers a persistent environment where you can work, play, and socialize.

Soon every person on the planet can have a virtual space for fun, play, and business.

Brands are investing in Metaverse spaces, and a marketer who does not opt for it will leave out of competition.

That’s why mastering skills for Metaverse has become a necessity for competitive marketers.

Metaverse will be a new virtual world with an intense experience that’ll outclass every other social media option in the future.

Non-Fungible Tokens

To keep up with the pace of the world, marketers now have to know web 3.0 and blockchain technology.

If you prepare for it now, you’ll get rewards in the future.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are trending aspects of blockchain technology.

Simply, non-fungible means that it can’t be replaced or exchanged with something of equal value.

A non-fungible token is a unique digital thing that can be used as an asset.

It’s because it can be sold for higher prices.

Non-fungible tokens can turn your digital creations into assets, such as graphics, animations, audio files, video files, and more.

Now, brands are issuing collectible NFTs, and their market is growing day by day.

So, it is the right time to learn NFT creation.

So, you cannot leave behind technical skills that can earn you a fortune in the future.


Paper and digital payment processors like Paypal, Stripe, and others have problems for the people.

Some are payment fees, delayed time, and devaluation of money.

That’s why inventors of blockchain technology created a digital currency that was based on algorithms.

Also, blockchain technology is totally decentralized.

No government or bank controls it.

Now, cryptocurrency has an over trillion-dollar market.

More and more investors are putting their assets into crypto.

Soon in the future every state will also issue its own cryptocurrency.

That’s why a marketer has to know cryptocurrency at a proficient level.

Otherwise, you cannot compete in the digital space.

Imagine if all of your clients want to pay you with only cryptocurrency and you don’t have a wallet.

So, become proficient in cryptocurrency and start using it.

Social Commerce

Walmart experimented with TikTok and Instagram in 2021, and it produced enormous results.

Now, social commerce is a real thing.

Brands can sell their products and services in retail by using social platforms, such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and more.

So, marketers now have to master how to incorporate social commerce for brands.

In fact, social commerce has opened new avenues of revenue for both brands and marketers.

We hope you got insights into the latest trends in digital marketing.

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