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5 Online Marketing Strategies That You Can Use Right Now for Your Real Estate Business

If you have a real estate business and don’t have a marketing budget for it, then you can still get sales through the internet.

But it will be a scalable process that takes time.

You don’t have to invest your money.

But you have to invest your time.

Read the post all the way down!

You’ll find time-tested online marketing strategies that are working for many real estate businesses right now.

Create your Real Estate Page on Facebook

You have a business— And you must create a Facebook page for it.

Next, use Canva and design your cover picture and profile picture.

You can be as creative as you need.

But simple graphics with your business name on them will be enough.

Next, create content for your target audience.

Your goal should be to educate your audience about your products and services.

Also, share your page in relevant Facebook groups.

It will get you likes and followers.

Now, create content about real estate and post it daily on your page.

With time, your following will increase and you’ll get shares.

By using this strategy, you can reach your customers.

Plus, it will create a digital presence that can get you sales.

If your content provides value to your audience, you’ll get leads that you can close for sales.

Create your Business Page on LinkedIn

Use your business name to create a page on LinkedIn.

Next, create content for your page.

While creating content, you can:

·         Present your real estate listings

·         Promote your business

·         Educate people on the real estate business

·         Tell problems people can face while purchasing real estate

·         Precautions to take before purchasing real estate

I think you get the idea.

Post at least one time on LinkedIn, and get people to like your page.

When people will comment on your post, your page will spread on LinkedIn.

This way, you can reach millions of people that may consider you for business.

Also, use the right hashtags.

So, your content can appear in LinkedIn searches.

Create a Business Account on Instagram

Use your business name to create an Instagram Business Account.

Next, create posts for Instagram.

For Instagram content, you can:

·         Use quotes and graphics

·         Real estate listings

·         Graphic ads

·         Royalty-free images

By using creative content, you can grow your audience on Instagram.

Many brands only exist on Instagram and use content to get sales.

You can also adapt the strategy and convert your Instagram handle into a sales machine.

There are many ready-made templates on Canva that you can use to create content for your business.

Also, don’t forget to use hashtags. So, your posts can appear in searches.

Remember, if you reach one million followers, then you’ll have a regular income stream from Instagram followers.

Use your Twitter Handle

If you use your Twitter handle wisely for your real estate business, you can get real clients.

But you have to tweet at least three times a day with the right hashtags.

You can tweet:

·         Real estate news

·         Real estate quotes

·         Real estate business insights

·         Real estate listings

Twitter is a point where a real audience exists.

So, use the power of Twitter to promote your real estate business.

Write blogs on Medium

If you don’t have a website where you can post blogs, then you can use Medium to blog about your business.

The trick is to create content on trending topics in real estate.

People will search for the topic and find your blog.

Next, they will read the blog and find your business.

You can use blog posts to spread your contact and business all over the internet.

Also, you can include many calls to action in your blog to contact you.

Your blog content will create trust between you and your readers.

When your reader will act upon your call to action, you’ll get leads.

Use these five strategies if you don’t have enough resources.

And if you need a complete digital marketing service for your real estate business, then 9XERO can help you.

Just contact us!

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