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How your digital marketing can fail?

Most business executives want every marketing campaign to be successful and meet business goals within the expected time.

But even the most good-looking digital marketing strategy sometimes fails, wasting efforts and resources. 

At every failure in marketing, the best approach is to completely audit your online marketing strategy and remove all errors from the next campaign.

Yet, brands can execute successful marketing strategies if they perfect essential elements of the marketing campaigns.

After years of practically implementing marketing strategies, 9XERO found out that digital marketing can fail due to the following factors.

  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Budget
  • Marketing and Sales Methodology
  • Content Marketing
  • Marketing and Sales Technology
  • Digital Marketing Expertise
  • Leadership

Here, you’ll know what are the problems that appear during executing marketing campaigns, and how to solve them.

If you need a holistic marketing solution for your brand, then 9XERO is the digital marketing company in Islamabad that can help you succeed.

Let’s begin! 

Digital Marketing Strategy

Most digital marketing agencies and brands do the biggest blunder and directly start their marketing efforts without developing a comprehensive marketing strategy.

Brands launch their marketing campaigns and try many different approaches in order to repeat the strategy that produces results.

But such an approach is a faulty one in its foundations because you can try 1000 things, and not a single one may work.

Even if you are proficient in the best marketing practices, you can fail if you don’t have a comprehensive marketing strategy.

So, the question arises that how much time and resources can you afford to waste in order to find the winning strategy.

A comprehensive marketing strategy includes the following elements.

  • Complete assessment of marketing and sales regarding tools, resources, processes, and performance.
  • Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely goals.
  • Competitor analysis
  • Market demand analysis
  • Developed buyer personas
  • Developed value proposition
  • Developed content marketing strategy and plan
  • Website optimization plan
  • Inbound marketing methodology
  • Digital channel strategy
  • Digital marketing project plans

As a brand executive, you should complete the above elements in your marketing strategy.

Also, you should go through every element multiple times and have a second opinion.

Such a practice will help you have a marketing strategy and plan that’ll produce results.

9XERO has developed and executed online marketing strategies for over 30 real estate brands, and we can help you develop a winning marketing strategy. So, contact us for more details. We’ll also provide a free consultation and marketing audit. So, you can set your mind to targets that you want to achieve in your time frame.


The second problem that fails digital marketing is having lofty revenue goals and allotting a minimal budget for marketing campaigns.

That’s why most brands hire low-quality online marketing companies or push their inexperienced marketing team to create some magic.

But in such cases, magic does not happen, and your budget does not create anything or minimum results that do not create profits.

One of the main reasons to allot minimal budget to marketing campaigns is the lack of foundational knowledge about digital marketing.

A comprehensive marketing strategy not only tells you about the SMART goals but also tells you about the resources that you have to allocate.

Research shows that:

  • If you have a B2B product, you should allocate 8.5% of your total revenue for marketing.
  • If you have a B2B service, you should allocate 9.6% of your total revenue for marketing.
  • If you have a B2C product, you should allocate 17.2% of your total revenue for marketing.
  • If you have a B2C service, you should allocate 11.6% of your total revenue for marketing.

In fact, successful brands allocate over 25% of their marketing budget to digital marketing.

So, in order to succeed in online marketing, you should spend more than enough budget on digital marketing.

If you are a beginner company and want to know how much you have to spend for profitable revenue, contact us. We’ll help you create marketing campaigns in optimum budgets that’ll produce results and do not waste a dime. 

Inbound Marketing and Sales Methodology

The reality has changed for many businesses in this digital age, and it requires businesses to change their marketing and sales methodology to achieve revenue goals.

Let’s have a look at what happens with almost every business.

Marketing teams run marketing campaigns and create leads from out of nowhere. Next, the leads are sent to the sales team for closing.

But the sales team does everything quickly and leads run away. As a result, many opportunities get lost due to the poor coordination of marketing and sales teams.

The marketing team blames the sales team that they could not close the sales.

And sales team blames the marketing team for producing bad quality leads.

But in reality, marketing and sales methodology has changed over the year.

Now, prospects purchase after completing a buyer journey.

You have to create inbound marketing strategies to generate more than enough leads.

And you have to devise a sales process that creates minimum stress for the buyer.

Modern digital marketing and sales methodologies include:

  • Matching marketing and sales stages with buyer’s journey
  • Creating content for each stage of the buyer’s journey
  • Using conversion optimization to compel buyers to take action
  • Using all sales and conversion elements, such as the call to action, landing pages, forms, thank you pages, auto responder emails, lead nurturing, marketing automation, sales enablement, sales sequence, and more
  • Well-positioned value proposition
  • Actionable intelligence
  • Personalization

If you want to develop a perfect inbound marketing strategy and sales process, contact 9XERO. We’ll develop a modern and errorless sales process and inbound flow of leads.

Content Marketing

Most brands fail in digital marketing because their content is not of quality and has a minimum depth that does not meet the needs of an ideal buyer.

Content creation is the number one challenge for brands nowadays, and most do it poorly due to the lack of awareness.

You have to identify what your buyer is seeking at each stage of their journey.

Here are some insights about each stage of the buyer’s journey.

Awareness Stage

At this stage, the buyer is looking for information, answers, resources, data, research, insights, and opinions.

You have to find out what is the main trigger that compelled the buyer to look for your product.

At the awareness stage, the following type of content is effective and produces results.

  • Whitepaper
  • EBooks
  • Research reports
  • Checklists
  • How-to video
  • Webinars

Consideration Stage

At this stage, the buyer is researching heavily and looking for every point that makes your product or service a good fit or not.

You have to find out what is your buyer expecting from your product or service.

At the consideration stage, the following type of content produces results.

  • Product webinar
  • Case studies
  • Sample
  • FAQ
  • Datasheets
  • Demo videos

Decision Stage

At this stage, your buyer is determining the cost of buying your product or service.

You have to find out what will ease the decision for your buyer.

At the decision stage, the following produce results.

  • Free trial
  • Live demo
  • Consultation
  • Estimate
  • Coupon

So, create the right content for each stage of the buyer’s journey. You’ll have sales.

If you want to create the best content for your brand, 9XERO can help you accomplish it. We’ll create content that’ll be your asset for years to come.

Marketing Technology

Marketers also make one big blunder to run marketing campaigns without effective marketing tools and processes.

Marketers need to know what is working and what is not working.

So, they can take their marketing campaigns in the right direction.

Marketing technology has become a big issue nowadays, and marketers need a platform where they can get all the required data and insights.

It happens that marketers create and implement campaigns without seeing metrics, analytics, and insights. As a result, most marketing campaigns do not produce results.

As a marketer, you need a platform where:

  • You can collect data and get insights into user’s experience
  • You can better understand customers and prospects
  • You can automate many things to manage your time
  • You can create a better user experience
  • You can gain a competitive advantage
  • You can manage marketing and sales processes
  • You can generate more leads

So, choose a robust marketing and sales platform to have minimum hurdles in your marketing and sales processes.

Digital Marketing Expertise

Marketing campaigns most fail due to a lack of complete expertise. As a marketer, you have to have complete command of the following.

  • Digital Marketing Strategy: So, you can go in the right direction.
  • Content Marketing: So, you can build trust, credibility, and authority.
  • Social Media Marketing: So, you can outreach millions of prospects.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): So, you can create visibility of your business in search engines.
  • Paid Search & Google Ads: So, you can get immediate leads and traffic.
  • Email Marketing: So, you can outreach millions of people on a low budget.
  • Website Optimization: So, your website can deliver the right user experience and convert visitors.
  • Google Analytics: So, you can have insights into your traffic.
  • Marketing and Sales Technology: So, your time can produce a result without any wastage.

If you are looking for a digital marketing agency in Islamabad, 9XERO is the one that’ll satisfy your need. We have packaged solutions for the marketing needs of brands.


A lack of leadership in marketing executives often fails marketing campaigns.

Yes, technological knowledge also plays its part because most marketing executives fail to adapt to changing environment of the business.

To grab the full market share, you have to take tough decisions and choose the best marketing channels and strategies.

You have to know about your competitor’s strategy and actions.

You have to create a plan that outshines others.

You have to take immediate steps.

You have to take advantage of trends.

As a leader, you have to be tech-savvy if you want to succeed in digital marketing.

Tips to Create Successful Marketing Campaigns

Here are tips that’ll help you in all cases.

  1. Always practice smart marketing and produce a delightful image of your product and services. So, prospects crave to buy from your brand.
  2. Use all networks to your business advantage. You can never know where you can get most of your sales.
  3. Perfect every element in your branding. If your brand appears to be likable, you’ll get more and more sales with time. Also, people will share your brand with their friends and family.
  4. Present benefits of your product and services in a manner that it sells itself. So, you don’t have to sell it hard.
  5. Always make your marketing attention-grabbing. If you succeed in grabbing attention, you’ll have an easy time getting sales.
  6. Don’t try to deceive your customers. Customers are always smart.
  7. Do all effort to create results.
  8. Create an unforgettable experience for your prospects. It’ll help you get repeat business.
  9. Anticipate your target market’s needs and use them in your marketing campaigns.
  10. Find out the pain points of your prospects and use them in your marketing campaigns.
  11. Find out the challenges of your prospects and use them in your marketing campaigns.
  12. Make your products and services exclusive. So, prospects subconsciously want to buy from you.
  13. Always appeal to common human interests in your marketing campaigns.
  14. Use the fear of missing out in your marketing. So, your prospects strive hard to grab your products and services.
  15. Plan everything before starting your marketing campaign. Do not launch your campaign without understanding your prospects.
  16. Try to create valuable content for your audience. It’ll build trust, credibility, and authority. 


Now, you know all problems that can fail your digital marketing campaigns. So, use these insights to create errorless marketing campaigns for your business. Remember, if you don’t focus on all elements in this article, you are probably going to fail. And it will waste your time, resources, and efforts.

If you need a digital marketing company in Pakistan, 9XERO can provide you with holistic solutions. Contact us for a free consultation. Have a great day.

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