EBP Pakistan
12M+ Targeted Reach
188.3K Video Views
300+ Content Pieces
500K Engagement
8/10 Excellence Marks
12M+ Targeted Reach
500K Engagement
188.3K Video Views
300+ Content Pieces
8/10 Excellence Marks
12M+ Targeted Reach
500K Engagement
300+ Content Pieces
8/10 Excellence Marks
188.3K Video Views
E-Build Pakistan Furniture Gala 2021
In this campaign, we did what has never been done before in Pakistan. Our client, E-build Pakistan, was offering construction materials on a dedicated online marketplace. Yet, our client was low on confidence and a bit hesitating towards marketing tactics. It’s because if the campaign fails, then the business has to suffer a lot. However, we were not in the game for testing our skills. But we were in the game for guaranteed results.
We planned Pakistan’s first online furniture gala and included what has never been shown to the public before in Pakistan. Our virtual event was full of content, discounts, offers, expert opinions, panel discussions, and masterclasses from industry experts.
The result was splendid. We managed to get 12M+ impressions and reached 6.8M+ people. 478.7K persons engaged with our online gala. Plus, we got 188.3k clicks on the website in just three days. Also, our downloads crossed 5k milestones within 10 days.
We created something that reached more than enough people, resulting in substantial revenue for our client.